7:29 PM


It's been a LONG LONG week..lots of things have happened over this week.
I've got a few things that i wanna post..
But i've got too many things on my mind now,and its all too soOn.. If u guys just be a lil more patient,i'll have a proper impactful post soon!! :) :) :) Thank you so much.
For now... Enjoy the pictures....

Uncle Richards Birthday...(We made the cake at almost 12am!!;) )

Easter Eggs...CHOCOLATES!!!

Easter Egg HUnt Carnival...

Face Painting at the Carnival..

Tory dearest...


Thank u sooo mcuh sheenziez.. you are one in a million. Though i hardly show it,I LOVE U SO MUCH!!! and you are way way way better than ANYONE ELSE!!! noone comes near,sheen!! NOONE!!! ;) ;) I LOVE YOU!!

Lunch at Primos!

This my friends,is wht The ORange Lane boys have been teaching my brother!!

Of cos,a blog is not complete without a POSER picture!! ;)

DADDYY!!! i love you!! :) :)

Alright, i think thats more than enough pictures for now. Will definitely update some substantial stuff real soon! So tune in again sometime later this week!! ;) ;)




7:46 PM

None BUT Jesus

In the quiet,In the stillness
I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence
I know there i am restored
When You call i wont refuse
Each new day again i'll choose

There is NO ONE else for me
None but Jesus
Crucified to set me free
Now i live to bring Him praise

In the chaos,In confusion
I know You're sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness
You give me grace to do Your will
When You call i wont delay
This my song through all my days

All my delight is in You Lord
All of my hope
All of my strength
All my delight is in You Lord

None but Jesus - United we Stand.

Dear Lord, i need You so bad.



6:08 PM


Now,im sure everyone has done some last minute work right?
So,i had this project to hand up on tuesday,finished everything on Monday. Left for practice,satisfied that i had finished all my work and all i had to do was print it out. Now,who actually thinks the printer will decide to stop working when u NEED it??!!??when before this,it worked fine?! Anyway,somehow this always..always..happens to me!!! So had dinner with aunty Linda and the rest of the FGA 'gang'!!! It was about 11+ pm..decided,ok better print it out now... AND GUESS WHT??????? THE PRINTER DIDNT WORK!!!!!!!!!!
so finally,after like half an hour or more of Marko,David and Don trying to fix it,they succeeded!! PRAISE GOD!!!
So i managed to get my assignment handed up on time!! Might even get extra marks for that!! WoooOo hOooo!
Thank u MArkoo!!! i owe u! :) :) :)

Anyway..GUESS WHAT?? its the beginining of my TWO WEEKS holiday!!!
Was the last day of school,so we only had 3lessons and it was casual day! so we could wear anything basically. Schl ended at 12.15pm!! headed with a bunch of girls to Tea Tree Plaza!! and we watched 'She's The Man'.....
ok,im gonna do a bimbo act!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..the guy is sooooooooooo HOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!
seriouslyy!! i cant remember the actors name cos its a really weird name, but goodness!! he is soo hot!!Even my LG leader thinks so!!! ;) whheew!!! we were giggling like little girls! but who cares la.. prefect end to the first term!! :)

Things to look forward to in the next two weeks :

Sleep over with the girls!! YAY!!

SLeeping in till nOon!

Dance practices!!

Aunty Sue and Unc Dennis's arrival in Adelaide!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and of course.... SHOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woo hooo!! influencers YOUTH!!!

Have a great weekend u guyss!! Happy Easter!!
yaknow,over here..the amount of Easter Eggs and Easter bunnys out in the shops are crazyyy!!
Really really makes u wOnder what Easter and Good Friday is about!! seriOusly!! sigh..WHAT IS HAPPENING TO THIS WORLD!??!?!
We've got an interesting lunch tmr!! OH BOY!! ;) ;)
seee yaAaas!!!




5:53 PM



Was gooodd...came home from school,did homework for about 3hours,then went for central!!!!! was heaps goood!!!
Then came home had pizza for dinner with the FGA clan!!!! ;) Pizza here is heaps cheap.with the docket we get from shopping at grocery stores,we can buy 5 LARGE pizzas for $21bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how totally cool is that??!! then just hung out and did lotsa cacthing up and slept at 3+am!!!!!!!!


Woke up at 11am..did some homework and left for practice in church!! Took the bus to the city and had the first International Students Night....was heaps good!! Sheen did her thing!! Mum and Dad did their thing!!! had about 170 people!!! goood stuuuff!!! :) :) Reached home at about 12am!!!!!!!!! SHOWERED and slept straight away!!!!


CHURCH!! we had Christine Caine..loved her!! she spoke a really goood msg at both morning and evening service!!
For those of u who went to Kulim,remember my dad spoke on the frogs in our lives/?? She spoke about the same thing!!! ahahha..dad said she stole his message!! hahah!! ;) ;)
Evening service was extra special!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) yes gracie,sun,anne and kel ??!!!!!>??!?!;) ;)


Woke up at about 8am..showered and blabla..left for the city to do our medical chekups for our visa's!!!
Appointment was at 1.30pm..so we went..SHOPPPIINNGG!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)
kel and i got a jacket each!! way coooll jacket.....and i got a new t-shirt!! and 2 belts!! WAY COOOLL!!
all of that for $50 ++..pretty worth it yes???!!???!!! :) :) :)
SOOOO happppyyyY!!!!

Had good old McD's for lunnchhh!!! YUMMMYYY!! It definitely has the bestest fries ever!!!! :) yup..all goes down to my thighs!!!!!! aiyoooo.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but anyway,tht was YUMMMYYYYLicious!!
Then had our check ups done!!!! Really fun and nice people!!!
Then we visited WORD...bookshoop!!! We bought the new United album!!! IM SOOO IN LOVE WITH IT!!
good goood songsss!!!!! :) soooo happpyyy!!
I thought it was cheap... it was $30 for cd AND dvd!! i thought it was alright!!!
So,then came home and fininshed my Islam homework!!!! GOnna leave the house for practice and come home to goood foood!! aunty LInda Chong and my mummy cooking up some GOOD Malaysian fooodd!! YAYYYY!!!!!
plus the good company!!! nothing beats that!!! :) :) :)

Ok..thats all for now!!!!!!!!!! :) :)
3 more days of schoooll!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!! :) :) :)
cant wait for influencers!! Uncle db and aunty suuee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wooo hoooooO!!!




9:45 PM


Alright,i've noticed tht i hardly post anything about wht i do......
So,here is wht i've been doing in the past few hours...

Last night,we had dinner with Unc Matt Heins and his family!!!
His kids and his niece and nephews are soooooo adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sooo much fun!!
wasnt feeling too well..had some eye infection and an ulcer..but its all good now!

Today,Kel and i did not go to school because we had to do our chest x-rays..(for our visa)
Thought i could sleep in,BUT..i was up at 8am!!!!!! sigh..this is wht school does to you!! so anyway,just stayed under the covers and enjoyed its warmth for another hour and then headed for the showers!!
It was a wet day!! raining all day!! Heaps cold....
so anyway,followed dad to church...picked mum up from LADIES FELLOWSHIP!! yes u read righT!! LADIES FELLOWSHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;)
then headed to the city!!!
went to imigration office..blablabla...walked for 20minutes in the wet+cold weather to the royal Adelaide CHEST hospital!!!! got our x-rays done..walked around rundle malll!!bought TWO pairs of ear-rings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)
Came home..did homework till now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so tht has pretty much been my day!! Hahhaha!!how absolutely interesting eh???!!!!
i know!!! ;) ;) ;)
well,thts all for now!!!
lets keep praying for paul...tht God's will be done!!!amen!!???! amen...
Have a good dayy!!!




6:54 PM


Hey hey,

check this out..a poem i wrote,ofcourse with mummy's editing!! :)
Its for english..guess wht my holiday homework is?? compiling about 8-10 poems (all self written),into a book...
HAAIIIYYYOOOOHHH!!!!! :) should be fun i reckon!! hahaha!!! yea right!!!!!!!!!

You hung there,
With blood flowing out of Your sides,
They had beaten You beyond recognition,
Your flesh torn and ripped,
Like hungry men,they attacked You as game,
Relishing in the taste of blood on their hands,
How they ridiculed You,
How they laughed at You and mocked You,
They pierced your sides,and wounded You,
With evil intent,they nailed You onto that cross,
Without reason or rhyme,
They left You hanging there in shame.
Rejected and forsaken,Yet You said,
"Father forgive them,
They know not what they do",
For mankind to be saved,
Rescued from eternal condemnation,
Can this be true?
Your actions is but proof,
You hung there...
With blood flowing from Your sides,
Your actions, proof of Your love,
Forgive me, Father,
If ever I doubted truth.

So,leave your comments okie??!! ahahha!! :) :) :)
well,now gotta get back to doing homework!!
two essays yet to be done...
Religion studies project yet to be done...
Dear God,help me!!!!!!!!! ;) ;)




6:13 PM

I was doing devotions the other night.
There was this verse of a song that was just ringing in my head over and over again.
Wrote it down in my journal a couple of times before....its been my encouragement on the toughest days...
Was thinking of posting it up on my blog,when i read sheens blog and it had the exact same verse!!!!
And Sheen and i had never once discussed this verse or how we felt abt it!! :)

Hope it encourages you the way it has encouraged me.....

I step out in Faith unsure

Don't know wht the future holds

BUT i choose to trust in YOU...




12:33 PM


Hey hey,

Just a few tHings tHat wE've bEen up to sincE being heRe!!!
Can u bElievE it's almost TWO montHS now???!!!!
Just a fEW monThs ago,we Were HOME and we were waLking in And ouT of YC,havIng chrIstmas pracTices..caMp preperatiOn....praCtices..AND now.......iTs aLmost TWO MONTHS of bEing in ADELAIDE,AUSTRALIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well,ENJOOOYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Picnic with shEenziez... (2nd week in Adelaide)

Picnic/BBQ wiTh Unc Richard+Aunty Lynette... (5th week in Adelaide)

Ok,i know u guys are like,WHO is lynette+Richard..didnt realise we didnt take tt many pictures!! ;) ;)

AlrighT,thts an ovErlOad oF pictUres hey?!?!?! :) :)

Oh well...... Enjooyy!!!!!!!!




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Location: Adelaide, Australia


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