2:24 PM


Things i want to do :
Watch LOSSSTTT!!! Yes david i'll finally give u back your hard disk : ) : )
Lepak with sun, anne and graciE!!!!!!
Go to Melbourne??!!!
Go for a boat ride?!?!??!
Try making hawaiian and spinach quiche?!??!?!
hmmm.... do all these things in 3weeks????!!!!!!!
we'll seeee!! Either way, im just glad its finally the holidayyss!!!!! : ) : ) : )



2:39 PM

tuesday afternoOn...

Yes, yes I will..............
If you say so... I will...



6:28 PM


You stood before creation
Eternity in Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul to stand

You stood before my failure
Carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul to stand

So i'll walk upon salvation
Your spirit alive in me
This life to declare Your promise
My soul now to stand

So what could i say?
And what could i do?
but offer this heart Oh God
completely to You

I'll stand
with arms high and heart abandoned
In awe
of the One who gave it all
I'll stand
my soul Lord to You surrendered
all i am is Yours.



6:41 PM

sister and Dadddyyy G!!!!! ; )

To my dearest kelsey,

words will never ever be able to express just how much i love you....
Ever since coming here kel... Uve only become my BESTEST of BESTEST friend...
Seriouslllyy... I do not know what id do without you... In SO many ways you have inspired me and challenged me to be more than I am now... Just watching you i have learnt so much,u make me so darn proud... Never never will I ever be abLe to thank you for the countless times uve saved my butt from getting into trouble and the number of times you've done my dirty jobs!!!!
I totally appreciate you kels... even though sometimes its really hard to tell u that... but I REALLLY DO!! NOONE kel.. is able to replace you!!
I LOVE YOU BEYOND THE HEAVENSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...... this has been on my heart for quite a number of weeks now...
ONe sunday service, Pastor Ashley said this one sentence that has got me thinking like crazy.. It was like a revelation to me...

" We honour GOd with the magnitude of OUR request"

He didnt really say much about it after that, we went into KIDMO!! hahah :)
anyway, That one line really got me thinking..
How many times have we said to ourselves..
"oh im not good enough, God will never use me" or " Why would God use me...Ive got nothing" or " My dream is too big for God" or " my dream will always remain a dream" And all these similar comments.. but you know what this one sentence is saying... that its NOT about US... its about our God who is unbelievably,massively capable to enable US!!!

When we say these sorta things, its like we are doubting God... And im not saying that we wont have these feelings and have all these lies in our head but its about picking ourselves up and reminding ourselves that WE FLIPPIN HAVE A DARN GREATER THAN GREAT GOD!!!!!!!!!! I personally believe that the dreams that we have in our hearts are God given.. thats why we have the capability of dreaming so BIG..God has already planned our 'FINALE'.. He has equipped us with the right amount of talent and the right amount of necceseties that we will need to see HIS purpose fulfilled!!! That just totally excites me.. I remember coming home that afternoon and telling my room-mate ; ) about my revelation and just jumping up and down in my room, because i was just so excited ....
Now i dare dream because i KNOW that i have a VERY CAPABLE God of making possible my dreams..
Doesnt that just amaze you?? it definitely amazes me!!!!

: )



5:40 PM


Ok, as all of you know..(those who read my blog atleastt ;) ) ive got exams that start TOMORROW!!! yes...TOMORROW!!!!
It's english essay tomorrow.. we've literally had SEVEN long boring lessons on the idea of whats coming out in the exam and practicing for it... Totally appreciate the help... really need it... Therefore..i can spare some time tonight to just do my own thing.... Should probably update huh before i lose all my readers !!!!!!!! : ) : )

Just some pictures for now alright?!?!?! : ) : ) oh how i love picturesss!!!!!!!

Formal Pictures....

Ms lesliE and I

JESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ) : ) FIX YOUR PHONE!!


KerEn and I : )

Nicole and I...

Ryan and I being silly after yOuth...

Jhim and I....

Just some randOmm picturEss....

gOtta gO....



1:54 PM

: ) : )


Remember this gracie!!! it was at terry's 21st birthdaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was at Influencers 2006........

Happy Birthday Gracie…..

Love you so much… Thank you for everything…

This is for you wee li...

Happy Belated Belated Birthdaayyy.............

Cant wait!!!!! ; )

Ive got to get back to my work now...

I have finished one and half essays...

I've got one more homeEc project and Religion transcript due...

Then Exams... Workexperience... and FINALLY..... HOLIDAYYYSS!!!!!

Ooohhh... can u hear the hallelujah choruss!!!

But till then, have to floor the work pedal.....hahaha ; )

: )



10:11 PM

: )

Dearest tien ming,

I MISS YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD! NO kiddingg...... :) seriously ming. Thank you so so so so much for everything!! NOONE can replace you!! : )

To my dearest piEgantic!!!!!!!!! hahahahahah!! : ) : )

aiyooohhhh....... LOVE YOU beyoonnndd the clouuddss!!!!

GRACIE AND ANNE!! i cant wait to hang out with you guysss!! seriouslyyy!!!!!!! CANNOT WAITTTT!!! Love you both so so muccchh!! : ) Thank you for tolerating me. Anne and gracie, i owe you both big timee!! : )





7:17 PM

MORE bloggingg ;) ;)


Again,i should so be doing my work.
I have finally finished my legal media assignment. I'm also almost done with my other legal assignment which weighs 30% of my sem grade. Oh well... : )

Firstly,id like to say a BIG BIG BIG BIGGER than BIG thank you to isaac praveen~!!! for helping me fix the mess i made.Thank u Isaac. Dont know what id do if you were not online!!! ; ) ; ) I DEFINITELY owe you BIG time!!!!!!!

* thank u siah..for making the picture so much nicer!!! ;) ;)

Lets see, ive got a few things that i do wanna write about,but im gonna leave it til later...
For now..on a lighter note...

HAPPY HAPPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOANNA SAW YU HUEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miss youu soo mucchhh!! : ) : ) U'll make it through this year jo. I so know you will. Just beacuse you are such a fighter!! (atleast i think so) :) : )
love you.....


To my dearest full of herself friend....
Thank you for making my sundays so much more fun... Just by teasing you..You make my day a whole lot better!! ; ) ; ) ; )
I dont think ive met anyone who is so full of herself!! : ) You are definitely one of a kind!! hahahha!!!! This is dedicated to you!!!! love ya!


Thank u for tagging me joshes!!! THANKS ALOT!! hahahha!! Am missing you so so much laa.. U'll do fine in NS... you willl..... : )

To my friend who bought me my favourite favourite cd... To my friend who has made my 2005 so interesting... To my SENOR!!!!!!! : ) Missing our early morning 'chats' : ) : )

Ohwell.. i think thats about it for now.

Should get back to my work now...... : )




8:50 PM

Is'nt it funny, that just yesterday i hurriedly posted about my busy busy 'school life', and today im sitting at the computer again typing out yet another post!!!
Somehow,its when im actually really busy that i find time to do the things that i dont do when im free!! : )
Well,im going to allow myself to feel better about blogging when i should get started on my essays by saying that because yyesterday was such a productive day (it really was..im almost done with my legal media assignment.did work non-stop from 5pm-12.15am) im going to allow myself some 'ME' time!!! : )

We had a legal excursion today!! We went to the Magistrates court,District Court and Supreme Court!! Was a pretty cool experience! Did u know that a judgess wig would cost almost $3000!!! Its made out of horse's mane. I found that rather amusing.

Was looking at some pictures today,(yes,i also found time to do that)and i was looking at this one particular picture,and it brought back so so many memories. For example,when we took that picture..how come we took tht picture..what we were doing before we took that picture and all that gear..at that moment it made me realise how much i miss certain people in my life. Its funny how sometimes the person closest to you,physicaly and emotionally, are the people u find hardest to share your heart with.. and to just be honest with them.

Besides missing these certain people,im really really missing this one person whom ive come to ignore and put aside in these busy weeks. And that person is my dadddyy!! I use to wakeup in the mornings and i'd straight away turn on my cd player and listen to my all time favourite,United Album at 7.20 in the morning!!! i'd sing and pray in the shower and while brushing my teeth and brushing my hair... Waking up on Sunday mornings were such a joy because i could not wait to step into church and engage in a time of praise and worship with my Big daddy.. Lately,ive been really out of it! I find myself only saying "Dear God" when i cant seem to finish my work.. or "Dear God" when i cant find my wallet...it is no more "Dear God,i want more of You today"..or "Dear God,all i want to do today is to please You". BUT u know what? Its so so easy to just continue saying,"I really really need to start reading my bible" and "I really really should start praying".. but its not easy to actually get around to doing it... or atleast, thats my problem... last Saturday night,i decided that i could not make anymore excuses and just lock in to God.. The best part about my God is that He never never never fails to amaze me!!!!!!!! My Big daddy is just WOW!!!!!!
Was so refreshed and excited for church again on Sunday!!!

Dear God,thank You...thank You..thank You....Amen.

Ok,back to assignments now!! : )




8:36 PM

term 2, sem 2

Just FOUR weeks to the end of the second term of the first semester! HOw fast time flies!!!!
And with that,attached is a truck load of assignments...

1 - Dead Poets Society Essay .
2 - Film Text and Prose Text compariosn Essay. (Animal Farm)
3 - Legal Media Assignment. [7more to do]
4 - Legal Essay on Lawmaking.
5 - Religion Social Justice Issues. [Oral presentation next thurs]
6 - Home Ec : table setting project. [almost done]
7 - Music Rhythmic Arrangement. [DONE]
8 - Home Ec : garnish project. [DONE]

Exams in 2 weeks.
Work Experience in 3 weeks.

Dear God...please please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ) : )
I should SERIOUSLY stop procrastinating and get on with my work!
While most of us are here studying and rushing to finish up assignments, thek jhim and david ng are in melbourne holidaying!!!! i can hardly wait for the holidays!!!!
: )
Gotta go...assignments are waiting patiently!!!!!



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Location: Adelaide, Australia


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