6:18 PM



*just incase you are wondering, the person holding the phone, is a GUY*
Like, seriously,this sort of phone cover is already retarded when used in Malaysia,(not that Malaysia is retarded, just that its more acceptable, especially with the ah-lians) ;) ;) ;) - no offense... hahah...
but like....what more in Australia??
My dear friend, wing sun and I, were laughing till tears were streaming down our cheeks..
How hilarious is this picture??!!!!!!!!! GOODNESS!!!!
GOd, u truly made everyone special and unique!!!!!!!

WAIT.. guess what???

Our dear friend, david ng, reckOns this is a pretty cool phone cover ;) ;) ;) ;)

like.... WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sigh... david..david.. i always knew you were a true ah-beng.... ;) ;) ;)

Just for laUghs i guEss..

I found it quite hilariOuss.....

*btw, this picturE was taken live.. By wing sun's camera.



7:03 PM


HAHAHA... my blog is so dEad.. I better TRY to save it..

Ive been so busy.
Its not funny.
The amount of work is just crazy this term... Procrastination also contributes to why everything is packed to the last minute :)

Which student does not procrastinate anyway? ;) ;)

It is definitely my middle name...

Well, despite the busy-ness, its been a REALLY REALLY good term..
bU was really really goOod...
God is just AMAZING..
I cannot get enOugh of Him..
Just waking up every morning... Despite knowing how busy the day is gOing to be, just knowing that i have a God who is SO big...and who loves me so much is just mind blowing..
I love my BIG daddy so mucchhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Was looking through some pictures awhile ago.. Found these pictures. Could not stop smiling to myself...sigh..good ol' days.. good ol' days...hahaha... ;)
It is going to be another picture post... Too tired to write a long post.... :)
PLus, i have work to attend to real sooOn... sigh... :)

ROXY models-2005


*Missing you very much rose...VERY VERY much*



8:12 PM

~Beautiful Saviour~

Beautiful Saviour
Jesus, beautiful Saviour
God of all majesty, risen King
Lamb of God, holy and righteous
Blessed redeemer, bright morning star
All the Heavens shout your praise
All creation bows to worship You
How wondeful, how beautiful
Name above every name, exalted high
How wonderful, how beautiful
Jesus Your name, name above every name
I will sing forever Jesus I love You
Jesus I love You.



10:25 PM

The lack of updates is due to the busy and crazy hectic weeks of semester 2...

My workload is piling up...
Assignments are all due in the next three weeks...
Been really busy with bU practices..

Despite it being very hectic... I must say its been very very good.
I dissected sheep heart the other day.. It was mighty interesting.. i loved it.. It was very smelly though. The smell sorta stays on your hands. It was an experience indeed.
Well..nothing much to ramble on about..
It has been a very eventful 3-4 weeks...

I'll just post up some holiday pictures.... : )
Next holiday starts on the 29th of September.. can hardly wait!!!!!!!!

* hmmmmmm...bEing cheEky(said in sheena's Woice) at the Adelaide railway station*

HEnce the extra inches on the waistline...

BEAUTY QUEENSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ms Pakistan... Ms Kerala... Ms Bangladesh...



7:57 PM



In exactly six days, it will mark our 6th month in good oLd Adeliade...
Its been a lifE changing experience.. and yet there is so much more ahead.. Ive learnt so much. Made new friendships.. Had some of of the gloomiest days.. Some of the most unforgettable memories..
In this journey... Ive only come to realise so so many things..
Among them, is the stark reality of how much i miss HOME....

I miss my accountability leader so SO SO much... yOu have no idEa..
I miss thE onE and onLy SALLY gaNg...
I misss my auntY raT's indiAn fOodd...
I miss my uncLes lOving..
I miss my grannyss jOkess..
I misss my dEsperate coUsin ;) ;)
I miss my kukumalUu and Dr hOuse partnEr!!!
I misss my CSI partner.....
I misss oUr SERIOUS GIRLY slEepovErsss...
I miss my ChindiaN dancE partnEr!!!!!!!!! ; )
I miss pEacehaVen....
I misss my best friEnd...the onE with the CACAT ****** ; ) ; )
I miss my sinUs...stoMach probLem emo friEnd....
I miss the oracLe emO hang Outss...
I missss our indian stuDy grOupp....!!!!!!!
I miss my TATA baLan...
I miss my Cg girLss...
I misss my sunday mOrning dreSs up partnersss!!
I miss my walking partnErs....
I misss bEing part of the COOLEST worship tEam : ) : )
I miss the spicy chicken rice.....
I missss dirty mamak sessiOnsss..
I misss my oh so friEndly nEighbOur-mr oLd chiNese man...
I misss the ps2 aftErnOonnss...
I misss Malaysia's WHACKKIEESSTT....GOd CRAZZZYYYIEESSTT...COOOLER than COOl youTh GrOup....

I missss............ HOME ........

I miss home soo much.... There isn't a day that goes by without me thinking of home... THe constant comparison of our change..
The frequent question asked in between tears....

WHY GOD???? WHY???

The repeated encouragement...

God gives us grace when change comes along.
He strengthens us and equips us and helps us through. He will never throw us into the deep end just to see us drown. He may throw us in but gives us always the tools to survive.

Im holding on to Your promise God... Im holding on really tight.
I believe with all my heart You'll come through for us...




7:55 PM

: )

School has been really good. Its looking like a very busy term ahead..
I had the privilege of dissecting sheep kidney today.. It was...FUN.. gross..but FUN!!!

Im also currectly reading :

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee for English.
Young Digger by Anthony Hill for Australian Studies.
To The Edge of the Sky by Anhua Gao for History.
This would mean, i have three essays to write for this term.. sigh.. : ) : )

I also have a math assignment for this term.. And im only into the 2nd week of school!!!!!

A number of us are also attending a leadership class with pastor Brad.
It is very very interesting and I really enjoy the class.. ONLY thing is.. we all have to PREACH for three minutes. . *this is the part where your jaw is to drop and you have to say.. WOAH..*
: )

I reckon its very very good training ground and it will be an experience id never ever forget.. but..yes... PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! ; )

Had my very first bU dance practice last saturady.. that was good aswell.. It reminded me sooo much of home.. Was a little tough at first.. BUT....Am really excited..

Looks like i have a very challenging term aheadd!! My biggest biggest cOmfort is knowing that i have a God that is bigger than the challenges : )

Also.. just wanna add..
Thanks for hearing me out last night my speciaL friend... mEans so much to me...
To my 2nd mummyyyy...Thank you SO SO much for the cd.... : ) : )



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Location: Adelaide, Australia


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