12:31 PM
dead blog! dead blog!
so nicci wants me to update for her.. so i guess i'll have to pretend that i'm nicci?
.. hellOOOooOoOOo!! (hahahahahahhaa)
well we got back on the 12th of Jan and sorry "I' haven't been updating for so long! our stupid internet is still STUFFED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohyooo! OHYOOOOOO!!!
I'm missing malaysia HEAPPSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss DANIELLE (me) EVEN MOREE!! SHE'S A LEGEND HERE!! I MISS HER STACKS!!!!!!~!~!~!!!!!!!~!~!~!~!!!
school is starting in TWO days! NOT COOL! NOT COOL! OHYOOO!!!
so i better get off and start getting myself psyched up for school i guess!
^ that was my pathetic attempt to be her............ woohooo!
12:31 PM
dead blog! dead blog!
so nicci wants me to update for her.. so i guess i'll have to pretend that i'm nicci?
.. hellOOOooOoOOo!! (hahahahahahhaa)
well we got back on the 12th of Jan and sorry "I' haven't been updating for so long! our stupid internet is still STUFFED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ohyooo! OHYOOOOOO!!!
I'm missing malaysia HEAPPSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I miss DANIELLE (me) EVEN MOREE!! SHE'S A LEGEND HERE!! I MISS HER STACKS!!!!!!~!~!~!!!!!!!~!~!~!~!!!
school is starting in TWO days! NOT COOL! NOT COOL! OHYOOO!!!
so i better get off and start getting myself psyched up for school i guess!
^ that was my pathetic attempt to be her............ woohooo!