5:06 PM

more pictures...

Feel like posting pictures...

my 'surprise' 17th birthday at Parisis ...


Matty G...me...annE...

Jim (the poser) ...me...li...

MARKO!!! (miss u) me...ziE...

David is so luckyyy :D :D

Thats all lah.. could not post all the pictures..



2:52 PM

Guys + Sight

Guys' are visually stimulated - that's just the way their brains are wired.
Every time they go crazy over a Toyota Celica, the latest gaming system, twenty-two guys on a soccer field or a girl, they are reacting to what they SEE.
Their reaction to what they see is just one of the many unique ways God made them different. This means they have the tendency to get turned on easily whenever an attractive girl is in sight. However, it is not some involuntary reflex action over which guys have no control. Talking to a couple of guys I learnt that although guys tend to be attracted by the sight of a pretty girl, it is a CHOICE to go one step further and cross the line where looking becomes lusting. However, this doesn't mean that we as girls can dress however we want to. If we had any respect for the guys around us, we would choose to help them keep their thoughts pure by dressing modestly. In the words of a guy: "You cannot make a man lust, but you can make it HARDER for him to stay pure." by Crystal Cha...

Thank you crystal!!!!!! :D :D :D



5:36 PM


Will my weakness for an hour make me suffer for a lifetime?
Is there anyway to be made whole again?
If I'm healed,renewed, and find forgiveness find the strength I've never had
Will my scars forever ruin all God's plan?



9:28 PM

Last 2 weeks...

There is about 8 days left of term one before a 3 week 'holiday'. This term has gone by so so quickly it scares me. This year so far has been nothing like last year. It has been a very very pressurized term... The work load is crazy.

Still have to do:

Twelve Angry Men Drama Text Response
Poetry Analysis Draft
Human Awareness Essay Draft - Use of IVF as sex selection
Biology Prac on enzyme molecule action
Child Studies case study work report
Child Studies cooking Prac
Issue Analysis of a medical secretary
Business studies work life balance assignment
Business studies test worth 10% next tuesday

All this before in the next 8 days... plus one weekend...

Why am I blogging?? I have no idea........

Really need to get to work now.....

See yas....



7:20 PM


Phew... *does the wiping sweat off forehead action* Ive finally handed in my business studies assignment :D :D in Fat sister ultimates words "huhuhuhuhuhuhh".....

Should probably get busy on my other assignments that are piled up... but i think since i've worked hard... i deserve some 'blogging time'...

We had a biology excursion today to the Science Education Centre.. We are currently learning about DNA and Genetic mutations and all that gear.. the best part about today, was that we had the privilege of extracting green pea DNA!!! I have it in my fridge now... it's great!!!

Anyway, i got my blood test results back. Thank God it isn't anything too serious. My initial iron level was 62g..which meant i would have had to go for a blood transfusion...thats pretty scary...

It was tested again and my iron level is 72g... hahah... which is relatively low compared to what it should be... therefore, i need to add red meat into my diet... and also have a daily intake of iron pills for the next 3 months... SIGH... guess i should be thankful it isn't nothing too serious...

Other than that... this week has just been really busy...

I might just post some pictures for now...

Meet my school friends...Louse..me..Marie..Binca..

*Our year 12 jackets are SO cool...

Niya and I...

Steph and I...

Miss you both TONS...

sigh... missing all this...

Missing this more than anything...

KRISTY TAN... love youU!!

amanda..me..nina..FAT SISTERS!!!!

Good times... goood times...sigh... i REALLY miss home...sigh...

Better get focused...

p/s: anyone with camp pictures, or any pictures could you kindly send them to my gmail account? Thank you..



12:32 AM


Due to this enormously challenging business studies assignment, i have been deprived of proper sleep for the past few nights...

It is FINALLY finished, going to be handed in tomorrow, however, i still have PLENTY more assignments to finish. Sigh...

niCci just wants to...




10:07 PM



I have many insecurities... some clearly more apparent than others...

I am sure all of us struggle with how we look, how we dress, what we wear, what bag we carry, how we smile, what make-up we use perhaps, what mobile we use, what style we wear our hair, where we stay, our weight, our height, our siblings, our parents, even who our friends talk to, or who we befriend...(some of course not as petty)...etc...

The list could go on forever, it's funny how at one stage you seem to have overcomed certain insecurities and have managed to move on and accept the differences and you know...but then, it surfaces again at a different level. Once again, you're struggling with little petty issues like, "my nose is so big", or..."my lips are retarded" or..."im not cool enough" or... "i wish i was more witty", or..."i wish i was more sporty".... Or.."i wish i was more talented"...or..."I WISH I WAS SLIM and SLENDER"... again..the list goes on...however, all these insecurities seem to surface at another level... hmmmm... Sometimes i really wonder... WHY??????????

However, i have come to realize one thing.

It is when I am so secure in God that my insecurities seem easier to handle and deal with...
Then, what people say don't seem to matter too much... My confidence lies in my Creator. I also realize, when you are confident and able to love yourself, people around you want to know how one can be confident and happy without being 'perfect'. (However perfect is perceived)
It is amazing what God can do and wants to do with me and my imperfections.
Thank You so much Daddy...

I need to learn to continuously build my confidence in God or else, I'd be a very broken young lady...

Forgive the 'not so happy' post...



11:58 AM


Looking past my faults You see my destiny....



5:01 PM

of blood and needles

So right...

Remember how i was very excited about donating blood? I was truly excited about the fact that i could save someone's life and eventually become a frequent blood donor...and then over due time, become an organ donor...haha.. okay.. some will beg to differ that comment.. i was excited because it was something i had never done!!

HOWEVER, this dream shattered within 15 minutes of being at the Red Cross Blood Donation Centre on Currie Street.

This is my tragic predicament...

WOke up this morning, had a pretty full on day before, but woke up with a significant excitement that today, i could possible save someone's life. The nagging thought behind my head was of course saying the negative. "you will not be able to donate blood"...etc... I did have a history of low iron level in my blood.

Went through the first three lessons of the day, excitedly awaiting for the clock to read 11.30am..I willingly downed 2.45 litres of water this morning, it was said to be very much needed when donating blood.. Finally it was 11.30am.. excitedly packed my bags.. met 10 other students at the front office.. caught the bus into the city.. the whole time, i played all the possibilities in my head.. Clearly, i was the weird one. Only one excited about having a needle jammed up your arm!!

As soon as we arrived, we had plenty of forms to fill out.. As usual.. Then.. we all had to have an 'interview'.. Get our finger pricked and sort out the details that come along with saving someone's life. Why i don't know, but i was 'interviewed' LAST!! Out of the 10 of us...

Walked into the room, then the nurse asked me a few questions. The usual. Name, age, d.o.b, if i had been out of the country in the past 2 years...rah..rah..rah..

She then pricked my finger to test my blood and that.. (which cained by the way) And she said, your blood looks pale today .. I just smiled, fearing the worst. My negative thoughts coming to pass. She said, your iron level is really low. It has to be a minimum of 120g but your's is only 62g. I smiled and nodded my head. She asked me if i had a problem with this before .. i said yes.. She smiled at me.. The kinda smile that says "my dear girl, i don't think you're gonna be a savior any time soon".

She then attempted drawing blood from my left arm.. she stabbed and stabbed for about 4-5 times, and failed, then stabbed my right arm and managed to draw two tubes of blood. (which then started bleeding. there was like a fountain of blood flowing down my arm.) FREAKY!!! My blood was tested again and my iron level was.........65g!! GREAT!!!

So then, she rang the doctor, who immediately made an appointment for me to see my local doctor. She then rang my mum and explained to her why i needed to urgently get this checked.

*deep sigh*

To cut my long story short, i now have to go for a thorough blood test tomorrow morning, (more needles being stabbed into my arm) to see if i have thalassemia, to do some Fe studies and Vitamin B12 and folate... (whatever all those stuff are)...

I am not sure if i should have gone for this EXCITING expedition to the blood bank. I need to dream small !!!! : )

That was my exciting day!!!! : )



11:36 AM


I typed this really really long post... Bearing my heart and soul...about what i have learnt and whats been inspiring me...and...and... are you ready for this??
I am raging with anger now...

HAHAHH!! it is all good.... gooooosss fraaabbbaaaa!!!!!!! Breathe in...breathe out...
I am going to attempt to rewrite the post... i hope it isn't too dodgy... URGHHH!!!


Nothing too exciting has been happening...School has been the usual...Busy...
Judah and Xiao Wen will be here in exactly three days... that is definitely very exciting...
Dad is also leaving on tuesday for Malaysia... the irony... He's going with uncle Matt to sort out some Influencers Malaysia gear if i am not worng...

I am donating blood this coming thursday...am very excited...hhahaha!!

ANYWAY...the crunch of this post was about last nights solid meeting...
Some may not think of it as being very spectacular but it was to me...

The pastor, i honestly did not get his name. However, he is the youth pastor at Edge Church.

Bear with me while i RE-try to put this into words so that it will be just as inspiring.

He started with talking about the two biggest 'killers' of youth:
1. Loneliness
2. Boredom

This is why young people turn to drugs, relationships, sex, etc...etc...

We need to answer these two important questions:
1. Who are we?
2. What are we here to do?

He asked, what is our primary identity? For example, my primary identity would be - a daughter, a student, a friend, a sister...etc..etc... for others it would be a doctor, a dad, a mum, a teacher, a pastor...
What is our primary purpose? For me it would be - to study hard, to obey my parents, to be a friend...for others it would be...to raise a family, to teach, to pastor...etc...etc...

Yes... all that is great...
But above all that... Our primary, primary identity is : A woman of God, a daughter of God.
: A man of God, a son of God.
Our primary, primary purpose is to have a relationship with God.
Still pretty basic... but then he gave an example of him and his little 2 year old son.
He said, it is great to hear my son say now "thats my daddy".
It would be even greater though, when my son is older, to hear him say "that is a mighty man of God and it just so happens that he is MY dad".

That blew me away... Because that is what we're about. That is who we are.

I want my sister to say to people - "yes, that woman of God is my sister".
I want my friends to say - "do not mess with her, she's our friend, a mighty woman of God".
When people ask my parents, "who is that MIGHTY WOMAN OF GOD", i want my parents to say, "YES, that is OUR daughter".
I want my boyfriend, when i finally have one ;) to say, "My girl is an unbelievable woman of God".
I want my peers in school to say "yes nicci raj is a woman of God, no doubt".
That has to be the most rewarding compliment. That is what i want people to say of me.
Not "yes, she's a great girl". "Yes, she's a gem". (it would be nice too of course :P) but most importantly, I want people to look at me and see that I am the daughter of an AWESOME GOD...

Then, it all falls into place. Our two important questions are answered.
WHAT WE DO will be an out flow of WHO WE ARE - A MIGHTY MAN/WOMAN OF GOD...

That just leaves me speechless...


Ah... i am so excited now... I have even got goosebumps!!!



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