10:34 PM
"We want alot of things we now more obviously can't have"sigh...
8:31 PM
Ever felt so disgusted with yourself?
From the way you behave and the mood swings you cant seem to control...
From the way you become so completely self-centered? and self focused?
Ever felt so unhappy and purposeless?
Ever woke up in the morning completely DREADING the day ahead?
Ever wish we could make everything bad just GO AWAY?
Ever tried...................... YOMEISHU????(for those who are completely clueless, it is this herb drink that cures ALL diseases)
Okay..okay.. It sure did sound like that didn't it? Like i was gonna have some wicked punch line to all those questions!!!!!!!
Anyway...What I am really trying to say is... I REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED GOD!!!
God, I want You...
I want that passion for the things of You so so much more...
I want Your plan and purposes for my life...
I want Your anointing...
I want the peace that comes from You...
I want to be recharged and equipped for Your work...
I want You to be evident in everything I do...
I want to fall in love with You on a whole new level...
I really want You more than anything else...
This 21 day fast is going to be a real challenge... but as a goood friend said... "what will make it easier, is the fact that I want God so bad."
5:24 PM
Shoot me..
JUST YESTERDAY did I post about all the work I have to do.. I have a flippin biology test tomorrow.. But I gave in to tmeptation and have been reading blogs for the past half an hour.. I noticed that everyone has got pictures.. so i have decided to not think about any school work for the next hourr and post pictures up on my blog... JOYYY....
Sun..delia.. and I..
sun and I... doing the oh so famous kawai-ee pose...
HAHHAHAH.. it was all mei lynn's idea!!
Lynn... Amanda... Gracie... and I...
Sue annE and I...
The teh tarik that night, was GREAT :D
I miss drinking teh ais..
ANYWAY.. I NEED to study.. i really do..
NO MORE bloggin for me...
5:50 PM
I wish I could snap my fingers, or clap my hands and all my assignments would be done and all the biolgy pages of information would automatically be stored up in my head...
Unfortunately, that isn't gonna happen... SO... I should just stop complaining, and grumbling and nagging and get on with it...
A day at a time... A day at a time... A day at a time...
Year 12 is very overwhelming and it is only the 2nd week of term 2.. I cannot wait for year 12 to be over and done with...
Things I need to get done:
- Poetry Oral Presentation due 10/5
- Application - Writing for Publication due 17/5 (it is meant to be FUN by the way)
Business Studies
- Worklife Balance Business Report due 1/6 ( got this assignment today)
- Analyse worklifebalance newspaper articles due 11/5
- Investigative Study ( Major assignment)
- TEST THIS thursday... URRRRRGHH...
- Human Awareness Essay due 21/5
Child Studies
- Action plan for Child Obesity Study due 15/5
- Child Obesity cooking prac next wednesday
- Work Report + Investigation Report due 18/5
( received this whole assignment today)
- Design Brief due 20/5
Okay.. So maybe it may not seem like a whole lot... But honestly... There's alot of work that has got to be put in to each assignment...
I really should just stop complaining and do my work... UURRRGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanna watch tv... and SLEEEEEPP... and HANG OUT... and watch Spider Man 3...
6 more months... Just 6 more months... 6 MORE MONTHS... sigh...
So, thats all for a long while..
Have a good life everyone...
Love the wild horses...