10:00 PM
Nicci is seriously suffering the consequences of her laziness and procrastination during the holidays.
She never learns.
1:41 AM
holidays and its ending
'Holidays' have now come and GONE!
I am in serious denial. I missed two classes today and will be missing tomorrow's to 'finish' work.. All I did today was borrow 3 books to finish up an essay..
It is BAD! I have so much work to do I NEED to start..
I have ONLY accomplished:
26.5 hours of work in TWO weeks,
procrastinating,cleaning my cupboard,
procrastinating,1500 words of my English Critical Essay out of 2000 words, (due THIS Friday)
Laziness,400 words of my Draft story #2 out of 750 words, (due COMING Tuesday)
MORE LAZINESS,............................................................................ And that is pretty much it!
Oh and did I mention, that I had an ALMOST PERFECT plan to be absolutely productive so that I can have a less stressful semester? I did..... DID NOT WORK!
So what is left to do in the next 4 weeks (of which will FLY by TOO QUICKLY) is a result of PURE LAZINESS AND PROCRASTINATION..
Allow me to present to you the workload for the next 4 weeks:
Four 500 word write ups for Health,
Three 400 word write ups for Education,
2500 word MAJOR education essay,
2000 word History essay (due in 2 weeks),
History Class Test,
English Final Short Story,
3000 word Health Major Project assignment,
and I am sure there is more..
Why am I here blogging?
Why did I go to the Barossa yesterday?
Because I knew it'd be a GREAT day! and it most certainly was! Xiao is the best! And Judah and David too! Besides, it was a public holiday!
Why did I go to Colbie Callait's concert tonight?
Because I knew I would not have done any work anyway! It was a good night too! Kate Miller was my best part of the night! She was pretty amazing! She's performing at The Gov again on the 15th of November! I'd like to go! :D
Tomorrow, I will be going to Hahndorf! Why? When I have a TRUCKLOAD of assignments to finish?
Because, I am currently still living the holiday lifestyle.
I should go get some sleep now, and attempt to have an early start to the day! At least that way, I might have a less stressful day!
Who am I kidding, I LOVE my sleepins! :D :D :D